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Measurement Science Conference Publications (2010)

Buildiing A Navy Metrologys Quality Management System
Author(s): Jeff Porter
Abstract - This paper details the effort in building and implementing a Quality Management System (QMS) within the Navys Metrology Engineering Center. Recent initiatives have been implemented at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Corona Division to improve the quality of products and services provided to the Navy Metrology and Calibration Program. The heart of these initiatives is the comprehensive QMS program designed to carry the quality program from concept through implementation to sustainment. Progress described here will focus on the achievements and struggles in development/approval of Standard Operating Procedures for Measurement Science Departments key processes. This is an on-going effort with this organization currently implementing quality measures into the key processes
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Document ID: 36B01BCF

A Quantitative Comparison Of Calibration Interval Adjustment Methods
Author(s): Mark Kuster Gteg Cenker Dr. Howard Castrup
Abstract - NCSLI Recommended Practice RP-1, Establishment and Adjustment of Calibration Intervals describes three algorithmic (A1, A2 & A3) and three statistical (S1, S2 & S3) calibration interval adjustment methods. The paper, Calibration Interval Adjustment: The Effectiveness of Algorithmic Methods, presented at the NCSLI 2009 Workshop & Symposium, evaluated the performance of Methods A1, A2, and A3 via simulation against a simple metric, assuming an exponential reliability model and an optimal reliability target. The metric represented the excess cost a test and measurement program bears due to suboptimal calibration interval analysis. The results showed that methods A1 and A2, though easy to implement, incur a high cost penalty for long term use.
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Document ID: 003BF890

Lins Mean Value Control System
Author(s): Ted Lin
A six sigma system provides the Design, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) technique to improve business activities or processes constantly to achieve 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO). 1. DMAIC: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (otherwise considered a form of Continuous Improvement) 2. The six sigma system is to achieve 3.4 DPMO in any type of business activity or process. (The defects mean errors/failures in business operations, including bad qualities, late deliveries, invoice errors, design errors, test errors, work order errors, inspection errors, inventory errors, part shortages, typos in documents, late responses, miscommunications, meeting tardiness, etc.)
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Document ID: EF541A37

A Study Of And Recommentations For Applying The False Acceptance Risk Specification Of Z540.3
Author(s): David Deaver Jack Somppi
Abstract - Recommendations on how to apply the requirements of minimizing the risk of the probability of a false accept decision to a maximum of 2%. The Z540.3 standard states: False Acceptance Decision Risk Specific application (5.3): Where calibration provides for verification that measurement quantities are within specified tolerances, the probability that incorrect acceptance decisions (false accept) will result from calibration tests shall not exceed 2% and shall be documented. 1 This paper reviews application guidelines from the Z540.3 Handbook for this requirement and makes the recommends using the root difference of squares implementation of Method 6 for most calibration laboratories
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Document ID: D6B5E25B

Accurate Noise Figure Enr/ Measurement
Author(s): Iraj Vasaeline
Using state of art test equipment and few off shelf devices you can build a precision Noise Figure system to measure or calibrate Noise sources and Amplifier from 10 MHz to 110 GHz. With todays complex applications in satellite and communication systems the transmitted signal is very weak therefore any additive noise from front end receiver would reduce our ability to have a clean communication signals. Manufacturers are at the edge of technology to built better communication system and that requires devices with lower Noise Figure.
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Document ID: BBA2D4EF

Comparison Of Two Wideband Coaxial Power Measurement Systems
Author(s): Dexter J. Shelton, Garrett B. Barksdale, Dr. Li Pi Su, And Rebecca K. Shelton
ABSTRACT - The US Army Primary Standards Laboratory (APSL) utilizes four Direct Comparison Measurement Systems (DCMSs) for microwave power calibrations. The systems are configured as follows: one for waveguide power measurements, one for 2.4 mm coaxial power measurements, and two for Type N coaxial power measurements from 100 kHz to 18 GHz using NIST developed CN thermistor mount standards and NIST calibrated Tegam M1100 Series thermistor mounts1. Seven CN mounts were included in the study NIST calibrates three, and the APSL calibrates four locally. This study attempts to quantify the differences between measurements made on the two
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Document ID: C5BDC25E

The Challenges Of Maintaining And Improving The Uncertainty Of An Industrial Humidity Calibration Laboratory
Author(s): Speaker Jack Herring
The paper describes the issues associated with maintaining a busy industrial humidity calibration laboratory and the challenges faced in trying to maintain the laboratory measurement uncertainty whilst achieving a throughput of thousands of sensors per year.
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Document ID: B306BC78

Humidity Of Compressed Nitrogen
Author(s): Peter H. Huang
Abstract - Compressed nitrogen is one of the most important utilities in gas industry. For the specification of nitrogen gas quality and the process control as well as for the design of humidification equipment, knowledge of the equilibrium water content of nitrogen as a function of temperature and pressure is desirable. A simple presentation in chart form is usually adequate for most applications in industry and such a chart has been prepared based on the information on the water vapor content of a nitrogen-water mixture. Absolute humidity of kilograms of water vapor per kilogram of dry nitrogen is plotted as a function of pressure up to 100 atmospheric pressures for saturation temperatures in the range of -70 C to 90 C. The chart can be used directly to determine the water vapor concentration of compressed nitrogen by measuring its dew/frost-point when pressure is reduced to a lower pressure, usually one atmospheric pressure.
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Document ID: 5E67E726

Uncertainty Budgets For Ir Temperature Measurement - An Overview
Author(s): Frank Liebmann
In the field of infrared (IR) temperature measurement, accuracy of temperature measurements has not been as good as it is in contact temperature measurement. To determine the accuracy of measurements, it is necessary to calibrate the measuring instrument. Just as important is creating an uncertainty budget for that instruments calibration. The calibration gives the instrument an agreement to an established standard. The uncertainty budget tells the user how close to that agreement the user can expect his instrument to be on a repeated basis.
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Document ID: 582ADD0D

Aligning A Fixedpoint Furnace: A Process To Remove The Guesswork
Author(s): Unknown
In using fixed-point cells in a realization furnace, it is very important to properly align the vertical gradients to protect the cell from breakage and to allow the cell to perform in the way that it was intended. This process can be very confusing and time consuming without a proper approach
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Document ID: F6AB0D52

Fiber Optic Calibration Requirements And Standards In The Department Of Defense
Author(s): Lance S. Doddridge
Abstract - Fiber optic technology continues to increase in applications in weapons systems and communication systems within the Department of Defense. Fiber optic test instruments increasingly are being used to maintain and troubleshoot fiber optic installations. The Navy Metrology Research and Development Program has developed fiber optic measurement standards to support the performance and accuracy of the instruments that maintain the weapons and communications systems that depend on fiber optic technology. This paper presents some of the work accomplished by the Navy Metrology R&D Program to support fiber optic metrology.
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Document ID: A00D8AC7

Data Consistency Testing For Calibration Intervals
Author(s): Unknown
This paper introduces the revised Data Consistency section in RP-1. The assumptions behind these tests are examined and the impact of typical violations these assumptions are evaluated. The paper also looks forward to other approaches for grouping calibration results data.
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Document ID: 72012648

Electrical Ac Impedance Technique Is A Viable Tool For Many Nondestructive Tests Ndt()
Author(s): Mohammad N. Amin Pradip P. Dey
Abstract- Characterization of the nature of engineering materials is of primary importance to material scientists and engineers. Once the nature of a material is understood, models can be developed that allow the relationships that exist between composition and processing, and the properties and performance of materials to be defined. Impedance spectroscopy and equivalent electrical circuit modeling are valuable tools in this endeavor. This study is a review of different applications of AC Impedance Technique in various fields
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Document ID: 17B396D7

A New Electronic Verification Method For Vector Network Analyzers
Author(s): R. Ginley, D. Williams, D. Legolvan
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently introduced a new method for the verification of Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs). The technique is based on the new electronic calibration units that are available from several manufacturers. Using data obtained from different states of the electronic calibration unit, the user can compare their measurements against those of NIST with NISTs uncertainty identified. Additionally, the users can compare the calibration based on their data against NISTs calibration based on the same electronic calibration unit. The resultant is a single figure of merit that incorporates the entire measurement process. In this paper we will cover a description of the new technique and results from trial runs that have been conducted.
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Document ID: 978F6708

Developing Typical Pressure Measurement Uncertainty Specifications For Pressure Transfer Standard Products From Low Absolute To 280 Mpa
Author(s): Michael Bair
Abstract - Calculating uncertainties in pressure for a transfer standard can be considered relatively straight forward. Doing the same for a population of pressure transfer standards with state of the art precision presents an abundance of challenges previously not experienced by this author. This paper examines the efforts to develop these specifications for Q-RPTs (resonating quartz reference pressure transducer) that are installed in a number of types of pressure calibration devices. The uncertainties are identified, broken down, analyzed, and built back up to create a system of specifications that cover a wide range of applications and also meet a pre-determined reliability. Finally the specifications are used to define a calibration system in hope of meeting requirements set forth by ANSI/NCSLI Z540-3
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Document ID: 2D3D646F

Establishment Of Capacitive Voltage Divider Method For The Calibration Of Voltage Transformers
Author(s): S.R. Gupta
The objective is to render calibration service for the traceable measurements of the voltage ratio and phase angle between the primary and secondary voltages of the voltage transformers of any voltage ratio from 100V/100V to 100kV/100V at 50 Hz. This facility has been upgraded and established only recently after seeing the increasing demands of medium scale industries and utilities of power sector in India. The method employed makes use of CVD along with an EVD
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Document ID: 8F76861D

Critical Look At Type T Thermocouples In Low Temperature Measurement Applications
Author(s): Don Dowell
Type T thermocouples are common in industrial measurement applications due to their accuracy relative to other thermocouple types, low cost and readily available measurement equipment. Users of Type T thermocouples should be aware that typically they do not conform to the published reference function describing their performance when used to measure temperature in the range of -150C to -200C. This paper looks at the cause of this, data from 416 samples, and methods of mitigating this effect
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Document ID: C5CA145F

Legal Calibration In Mission
Author(s): Lieutenant Colonel Gerhard Mihm
In the past, during crisis and war, but also nowadays during military missions or operations within a multinational environment with specialist forces from different countries working together, mutual support and supply have been provided on contractual basis. Goods delivered and supplied to and from troops have to be measured and will be paid on the measurement results.
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Document ID: 46AE78A2

Development Of Mobile Calibration Laboratories
Author(s): Capt. Peter Jager
the customer does not come to the calibration laboratory, the calibration laboratory must come to the customer. The German Armed Forces, too, have to deal with this fact. Whether in operations or in units with critical equipment, mobile calibration laboratories will be the solution to meet calibration requirements on site.
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Document ID: 4CEBF484

Design Of A Dual-Wavelength, Peak-Power, Low-Level Laser Radiometer For 1.06 ?m & 1.5 ?m
Author(s): Dan King
Laser rangefinders and designators in the military have been designed to operate in the 1.064 m wavelength. The new eye safe rangefinders using 1.54 m and 1.57 m lasers and receivers will also require support. This necessitated the design of a radiometer that could accurately detect and calibrate the low signals used by test sets that support these weapon systems. This paper describes the requirements for and design of the Navys 1.5 m Low-Level Laser Peak-Power Radiometer referred to as the 1.5ESR, and the dual-wavelength model referred to as the Dual ESR, or D-ESR. This effort was funded through the Navys Metrology R&D Program sponsored by NAVSEA 04RME.
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Document ID: C6DB8B4D

Photometric Standards For Corrosion Control In The Department Of Defense
Author(s): C. Cameron Miller, Rui Qi And Maria Nadal,Paul Gossen, Richard Harold
Coating shipboard tanks is the Fleets primary maintenance cost. Extending coating service life is the most promising strategy to lowering this cost. The key to extending coating service life is to eliminate coating defects during the coating application. To this end, NAVSEA has developed and demonstrated a fluorescent coating technology that improves the quality of tank coating applications in the field. A Navy Metrology R&D project funded the National Institute of Standards and Technology to develop a standardized testing method for optically active coatings, allowing NAVSEA to specify the coating application in contracts and take advantage of the cost savings.
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Document ID: 1057F640

A Progress Report On Measuring The Surface Energy Of Solids
Author(s): Alan E. Scrivner
The surface energy of solids has proven to be difficult to understand and measure despite its wide applicability in manufacturing and production processes. In this paper we will detail progress on a new technique for measuring surface energy that depends on the fracture characteristics of thin adhesive films. This technique should lend itself to the development of a device that will be inexpensive to manufacture, easily portable for field applications, and uses no toxic materials
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Document ID: 3F5FD879

Long-Term Stability Of High Accuracy Pressure Sensors
Author(s): Tim Francis
The output of a pressure sensor will tend to drift over time. This drift is often referred to as the long-term stability and can be a large contributor to the overall uncertainty of the measurement. The stability is also one of the biggest factors when determining the calibration interval of the instrument. For these reasons, proper determination of the long-term stability specification is integral for good metrology practice.
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Document ID: C230CD33

Measurements In The Marketplace: Real-Life Applications For Student Outreach
Author(s): Elizabeth J. Gentry
The 164 Education Liaison and Outreach Committee will host an interactive session where participants will learn more about becoming a Metrology Ambassador and gain experience with several classroom measurement activities that can be used by Metrology Ambassadors - measurement scientists that volunteer in their community to educate students, parents, educators, and others about basic principles and careers in Metrology.
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Document ID: 04F9D55C

Metrology In A Digital World
Author(s): Unknown
Whether it is televisions, cell phones, military systems, or metrology test equipment, the modern world is increasingly shifting to devices that utilize digital (solid state) components. For the manufacturing world, the move to digital has had many benefits of usually smaller, more efficient designs. What consumers want is a product that does everything, costs nothing, and works forever (until the next generation gadget comes along).
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Document ID: EAEB3BE9

Analysis Of Two Dual Axis Accelerometers Using A Mobile Robot
Author(s): Tarek Mohammad
In this paper, two dual axis ADXL321 accelerometers were used to enable a three axis accelerometer system. Using a FANUC robot as the true value of acceleration, velocity and displacement it was proven that high accelerations, low velocities, and large displacements provide the most accurate acceleration, velocity and displacement respectively. Further analysis shows that high acceleration and high velocity will give you a more accurate result compared to a high velocity and low acceleration system
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Document ID: 1FA63E1F

A Nvlap Accredited Process For Transfer Of Calibration To High Energy Laser Probes
Author(s): Michael Charest, Shaun Hampton, Kent Marlett
Experiments conducted at national user facilities, such as the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), employ state-of-the-art instrumentation including optical and X-ray streak cameras, gated imagers, CCDs, and diodes. These instruments are characterized to ensure the diagnostics perform reliably, and data collected during their use will be traceable to relevant standards. A process accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation
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Document ID: 75DA0808

Analysis Of Two Dual Axis Accelerometers Using A Mobile Robo
Author(s): Tarek Mohammad
In this paper, two dual axis ADXL321 accelerometers were used to enable a three axis accelerometer system. Using a FANUC robot as the true value of acceleration, velocity and displacement it was proven that high accelerations, low velocities, and large displacements provide the most accurate acceleration, velocity and displacement respectively. Further analysis shows that high acceleration and high velocity will give you a more accurate result compared to a high velocity and low acceleration system. When gravity was exerted on the X, Y, Z axes of the accelerometers there was an average error of +0.1099 m/s2. As the ambient temperature increased the thermal drift time period decreased due to the fact that the accelerometers took less time to get to its optimum thermal temperature.
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Document ID: 7A52EF57

A Nvlap Accredited Process For Transfer Of Calibration To High Energy Laser Probes
Author(s): Michael Charest, Shaun Hampton, Kent Marlett
Experiments conducted at national user facilities, such as the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), employ state-of-the-art instrumentation including optical and X-ray streak cameras, gated imagers, CCDs, and diodes. These instruments are characterized to ensure the diagnostics perform reliably, and data collected during their use will be traceable to relevant standards.
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Document ID: B2E3B2DB

Threshold Analysis
Author(s): Dennis Jackson, Ph.D.
requirement or a maximum value for some nuisance parameter such as stray voltage. Because the information provided for such threshold tests is so different from the usual twosided tolerance tests, it is often difficult to define such basic terms as UUT measurement uncertainty,
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Document ID: 97FE6ABE

A Welch-Satterthwaite Relation For Correlated Errors
Author(s): Dr. Howard Castrup
The Welch-Satterthwaite relation provides a useful tool for estimating the degrees of freedom for uncertainty estimates for measurement errors comprised of a linear sum of s-independent normally distributed quantities with different variances. Working from a derivation for the degrees of freedom of Type B uncertainty estimates, a variation of the Welch-Satterthwaite relation is developed that is applicable to combinations of errors that are both sindependent and correlated. Expressions for each case are provided for errors arising from both direct and multivariate measurements
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Document ID: DCC8A16C

Monte Carlo Uncertainty Analysis Spreadsheet Template The How-To Guide
Author(s): Heather Truax
There are many forms of uncertainty analysis being used in the world of metrology today. Analyses range in accuracy from very rough estimates with wide guard bands and lower confidence levels to very in depth, lengthy, statistical analyses, which provide more accurate error values with smaller guard bands and increased confidence. The former are kept basic to render the analysis applicable to a wide variety of calibration scenarios.
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Document ID: 793D3217

Thermal Sensor Transient Response Characteristics
Author(s): Chiun Wang, Ph.D.
The transient characteristics of a thermal mass flow sensor in response to sudden changes in gas flow is investigated. Not only the sensors heat capacity and thermal conductivity affects its speed of response, the sensors mechanical design construction as well as the electronic excitation scheme together determines the sensors transient performance behavior. Through heat transfer analysis this paper explores the effect of the sensors mechanical design on its transient response characteristics. By comparing the model solutions against data from a thermal mass flow sensor, it shows how the sensors design construction and the gas physical properties affect the sensors transient performance. The model is also used to demonstrate how the constant-temperature excitation changes the sensor characteristics from a second-order to a first-order system and reduces the sensors step-response time-constant.
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Document ID: FE160A6E

Ray Tracing In A Wind Beam( Curvature Effects In Ultrasonic Flowmeters)
Author(s): Thomas O. Maginnis, Ph.D.
Ultrasonic Time of Flight Flowmeters have become the de-facto dominant technology for gas flow measurements in large line sizes. These meters have some ability to compensate for flow profile variations by employing multiple chordal paths for the sound transmission paths. It is usually assumed in the elementary theory of these meters that the sound propagates along straight lines that connect(wetted) sending and receiving transducers. In fact, the acoustic ray path is slightly curved by any vorticity that exists in the flow field. (Even for laminar flow profiles there is an azimuthal vorticity component in the flow field that bends the sound rays as they pass through the pipe boundary layer.)
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Document ID: 4C5800F7

Thermal Sensor Transient Response Characteristics
Author(s): Chiun Wang, Ph.D.
The transient characteristics of a thermal mass flow sensor in response to sudden changes in gas flow is investigated. Not only the sensors heat capacity and thermal conductivity affects its speed of response, the sensors mechanical design construction as well as the electronic excitation scheme together determines the sensors transient performance behavior. Through heat transfer analysis this paper explores the effect of the sensors mechanical design on its transient response characteristics.
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Document ID: 31E29DC1

Ray Tracing In A Wind Beam( Curvature Effects In Ultrasonic Flowmeters)
Author(s): Thomas O. Maginnis, Ph.D.
Ultrasonic Time of Flight Flowmeters have become the de-facto dominant technology for gas flow measurements in large line sizes. These meters have some ability to compensate for flow profile variations by employing multiple chordal paths for the sound transmission paths.
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Document ID: F80CB1F0

Scanning Laser Infrared Molecular Spectrometer: Instrument Development For Chemical Sensing
Author(s): Joel m. Steinkraus, Kelly Rickey, Alexander Ksendzov, Warren P. George
The ability to observe and identify the presence of trace gases within an environment is a paramount capability needed to advance earth and planetary atmospheric research. Detection of trace levels of gases is also of interest in defense, industrial, security, medical, and environmental health applications. Current scientific objectives largely focus on identifying the presence of specific gases and isotopologues found in planetary atmospheres within our solar system.
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Document ID: 0DA5CF0A

Improved NIST Airspeed Calibration Facility
Author(s): Iosif I. Shinder, James R. Hall, Michael R. Moldover
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) uses a laser Doppler anemometer (LDA) as a working standard for airspeed calibrations in the range 0.2 m/s to 75 m/s (0.45 to 168 miles/hour). We report improved procedures for calibrating the LDA that reduced its uncertainty from 0.26% to 0.10% at airspeeds above 1 m/s.
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Document ID: 7F5EA787

Microcontroller Based Isfet Ph Measurement System With Wireless Communication
Author(s): Gaytri Gupta#1,Rahul Kumar Verma
Abstract-This paper describes the experimental setup of pH measurement system which can be used for our everyday life. pH represents potential of hydrogen which is used as the unit of measure to express the degree of acidity of a substance is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. There is a wide variety pH measurement system. The paper presents an attempt to develop an in-house low cost product for pH measurement.
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Document ID: 04806662

Microcontroller Based Isfet Ph Measurement System With Wireless Communication
Author(s): Gaytri Gupta#1,Rahul Kumar Verma#2
This paper describes the experimental setup of pH measurement system which can be used for our everyday life. pH represents potential of hydrogen which is used as the unit of measure to express the degree of acidity of a substance is defined as the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. There is a wide variety pH measurement system. The paper presents an attempt to develop an in-house low cost product for pH measurement. The heart of this device is the ADuC814 microcontroller chip.
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Document ID: 400C894A

3D Volumetric Positioning Error Measurement And Compensation Over Part
Author(s): Charles Wang
Competition in global manufacturing today requires improving machine tool performance to achieve higher productivity, better quality and less downtime. Using the laser vector technique, the 3D volumetric positioning errors can be measured in a few hours. The results can be used to compensate the part program (or G-code) and achieve higher part accuracy. Reported here are the basic theory, measurement of 3D positioning errors, the test part program without compensation and with compensation, and the measured accuracy of these 2 parts. The improvement of the part accuracy is significant
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Document ID: D9D76A2A

Got A Cmm
Author(s): Stephen A Long
Competition in global manufacturing today requires improving machine tool performance to achieve higher productivity, better quality and less downtime. Using the laser vector technique, the 3D volumetric positioning errors can be measured in a few hours. The results can be used to compensate the part program (or G-code) and achieve higher part accuracy. Reported here are the basic theory, measurement of 3D positioning errors, the test part program without compensation and with compensation, and the measured accuracy of these 2 parts. The improvement of the part accuracy is significant
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Document ID: 4B20709C

Laboratory Workforce Planning
Author(s): Gloria J. Neely, Chester Franklin
This RP addresses the issues of hiring and retaining qualified employees. In the field of metrology, selecting appropriate personnel is
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Document ID: 07693B85

Metrology Human Resources Handbook
Author(s): Caroline L. Dixon
This Handbook contains the essential items needed by a Human Resources professional to evaluate three positions relative to metrology: (1) calibration technician, (2) calibration engineer, and (3) metrologist. Included in the Handbook are industry accepted job descriptions, salary information, career statistics, educational opportunities, and reference materials in support of standardized job descriptions for the metrology profession. Until now this essential information could only be found in limited published format. The accepted information on metrology professions by government agencies has been consolidated into one reference document. The information identified within this document was consolidated from data found in the joint American Society for Quality, Measurement Quality Division (ASQ-MQD) and National Conference of Standards Laboratories International (NCSLI) 2006-07 Metrology Job Description Initiative, the 2007 NCSLI Benchmarking Study, and two published papers that are included as appendices.
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Document ID: 89FCBA70

How To Setup A Dedicated Repair Facility Within A Calibration Laboratory
Author(s): Stephen m. Silvati
This paper addresses the basic requirements for initiating a repair area/facility within a calibration lab and includes a discussion on different concepts and requirements of initial resources. Facility/space /environmental concerns, scope of repair capabilities, cost/income - ROI, dedicated space & personnel, technical competence, manufacturer (MFR) vs. in-house repairs, and quality assurance/controls are other essential parts of a strong repair facility that should be given consideration
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Document ID: 1E519631

Earned Value Management In Metrology Msc 2010
Author(s): Chet Franklin
What is Earned Value Management (EVM)? Can it be applied in the metrology business arena? This paper will attempt to answer both questions. Very simply stated, EVM is a project management toolset comprised of a set of metrics which can be employed to compare the planned performance of a project to the actual performance. It can be used to track individual tasks or the overall project. EVM metrics will provide the project manager, or team leader, with a clear picture of financial performance to-date, schedule performance to-date, and the value of the work accomplished to-date. It provides opportunities to identify risk areas
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Document ID: 60693D73

Method To Develop Calibration Laboratory Information System Requirements
Author(s): George Jannison
The need to track the status of items calibrated by a laboratory begin with the fact that periodic calibration of standards and test equipment is required to ensure accurate measurements are being made. If you need to build or buy an inventory or recall system how do you determine the requirements the software must support. Does the software need to drive or support the quality system, or do you just need to notify the instrument owner that their calibrated equipment is due? How much data needs to be kept and who can see it? Is this to support internal or external customers? Will you manage standards, or only test equipment? The paper will describe a method to identify the options and describe some of the limits that you may face in testing and deploying an efficient and effective recall or inventory management system
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Document ID: AE2FCD27

Method To Develop Calibration Laboratory Information System Requirements
Author(s): George Jannison
The need to track the status of items calibrated by a laboratory begin with the fact that periodic calibration of standards and test equipment is required to ensure accurate measurements are being made. If you need to build or buy an inventory or recall system how do you determine the requirements the software must support. Does the software need to drive or support the quality system, or do you just need to notify the instrument owner that their calibrated equipment is due? How much data needs to be kept and who can see it? Is this to support internal or external customers? Will you manage standards, or only test equipment? The paper will describe a method to identify the options and describe some of the limits that you may face in testing and deploying an efficient and effective recall or inventory management system.
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Document ID: CDDB4FE3

Statistics And Metrology: Rich Interplay Of Ideas
Author(s): Alan E. Scrivner
Modern metrology and the development of measurement standards was given its birth out of the French Revolution with the creation of the metric system and the beginning, of mass production using interchangeable parts. At about the same time, Carl Friedrich Gauss, was unwittingly giving birth to modern statistics by investigating how to obtain estimates of the orbital parameters of heavenly bodies on the basis of a set of observations that included errors. Metrology, the development of measurement standards, and statistics have been inseparable and ideas from one field often influenced the other. In this paper we explore this rich interplay of ideas.
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Document ID: 0EAEF66E

A Paradox In Measurement Uncertainty Analysis
Author(s): Hening Huang
This paper reveals a paradox in the current uncertainty analysis: the expected value of the Students t approach estimated uncertainty is inconsistent with the true uncertainty, or the Type A evaluation of uncertainty is inconsistent with the Type B evaluation, particularly for small samples. The paradox may be resulted from the mix of the mathematical definitions of uncertainty. Mathematically, the true uncertainty defined by the Law of Probability of Errors (LPE) is the half-width of the constant confidence interval of measurement errors. It may be considered as the measurement error limit, which is a measure of the measurement precision. The uncertainty defined by the Students t approach is the half-width of a realization of the random confidence interval of measurement errors
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Document ID: 0479CD60

Comparison Of Methods For Establishing Confidence Limits And Expanded Uncertainties
Author(s): Suzanne Castrup
In reporting measurement results, it may be necessary to include an interval that contains the true value with some specified confidence level or probability. The interval may be reported as confidence limits, with an associated confidence level, or an expanded uncertainty, with an associated coverage factor. This paper examines three methods for computing confidence limits and expanded uncertainties: 1) GUM, 2) Convolution and 3) Monte Carlo Simulation. The first method combines error distribution variances, while the second and third methods directly combine error distributions via mathematical or numerical techniques. Four direct measurement scenarios are evaluated and the intervals computed from each method are compared.
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Document ID: BCD29C2C

Calibration Intervals By Bayesian Approach: Information Management
Author(s): Ding Huang
Bayesian statistical framework are presented for computing calibration intervals. The methodology provides non-personalistic uniform and non-uniform priors and constructs posterior distributions for out-of-tolerance rate and reliability function. It generates Bayesian intervals with P% confidence to contrast to confidence Intervals based on the conventional statistical framework.
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Document ID: B79B9542

Detecting Median Mononeuropathy And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Through Radiometric Thermal Imaging
Author(s): Shayson Edwards
The primary objective of this study was to determine if radiometric thermography could detect Median Mononeuropathy in the articulatio radiocarpalis. A secondary objective was to establish the efficiency of thermal imagery as a viable technique for establishing the trends of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Median Mononeuropathy
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Document ID: 76B70F63

Application Of Simulation Software To Coordinate Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation
Author(s): Daniel Campbell, Jon Baldwin, Kim Summerhays
Uncertainty evaluations for coordinate measuring machine (CMM) metrology are problematic due to the number, ranges, interactions and generally unknown sensitivity coefficients of the parameters that can influence the measurement result. The situation is particularly difficult when a task-specific uncertainty is required and poses problems for both auditors and metrology practitioners. Auditors often lack satisfactory tools for a comprehensive assessment of a clients claims of traceability. Measurement professionals, similarly, have difficulty demonstrating compliance with measurement traceability requirements and, in addition, can find themselves at a real economic disadvantage if reliable measurement uncertainties are not known. In this paper, we first discuss briefly the historical perspective of, the motivations for and necessity of task-specific uncertainty evaluations
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Document ID: F3A96294

Geometry Of Irregular Objects
Author(s): Daisuke Asahina,Michael A. Taylor
The geometry of irregular objects (rock particles) were (directly) measured using two devices: a CT scanner and a laser ranging surface scanner. The properties measured include volume, surface area and weight. These permitted the estimation of relative density and some topological quantities. The complex problem of shape measures is discussed. The results are compared with some previous studies in which multiple 2-d projections were used to estimate 3-d geometry. The results were used to evaluate the accuracy of the previous 2-d projections method and then the new results used to extend the characterization of irregular 3-d particles of a wide range of sizes. The results also permit the investigation of some previously inaccessible topological conjectures concerning 3-d particles.
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Document ID: 9D848B12

Evaluating The Economic Impact Of Cmm Measurement Uncertainty
Author(s): Jon m. Baldwin, Kim D. Summerhays, Daniel A. Campbell
Product metrology has been regarded, in the conventional view of many US manufacturing operations, as a necessary cost of doing business, the expense of which should be minimized in the interest of greater profit. Recent years have seen the beginnings of a shift to a more critical approach to this topic. A careful look at the risks of incorrect accept/reject decisions due to measurement errors and the associated costs of those errors reveals that the traditional approach is often not the economically most advantageous. Thus, more production operations are beginning to critically examine the economic consequences of measurement and, particularly, the cost of undiscovered measurement errors. Translation of uncertainty-related risks into economic outcomes is an extremely situation-dependent exercise and is particularly involved when considering the application of complex, multi-parameter measuring systems such as CMMs
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Document ID: D3DF859E

The Life Of A Full Time Employee And Student
Author(s): Brittney Woode
is paper is about the struggles of being a full time student and a full time employee. I work at the navy calibration laboratory in Patuxent River Maryland. I attend Capitol College. I am in my senior year there and I should be getting my degree in August of 2010. My major is electrical engineering. Last semester I was enrolled in 6 classes. These classes included physics III, analog circuits, communication circuits, digital signal processing, control I, and circuit design and simulation. At work, I am a calibration technician. I not
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Document ID: E99E172B

Mccullough Consulting
Author(s): Bill Mccullough
This paper presents an overview of ISO 10012 Measurement management systems - Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment and that standards approach to measurement systems as used outside of the calibration laboratory. While rooted in time proven metrological principles, ISO 10012 extends those principles to whatever and wherever quantitative measurements are made. While my previous ISO 10012 paper was directed to calibration usage of the standard, this paper takes the standard and its metrological principles to the production floor and other test uses. ISO 10012 provides guidance and tools to help fulfill customers requirements that product conform to determined requirements and provides producer opportunities for improvement in the measurement process
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Document ID: 0A6D02AC

Anemometer Calibration For Wind Energy Applications
Author(s): Rachael V. Coquilla
Quality wind measurements are critical in evaluating wind turbine power performance, wind energy site assessments, and wind plant operations monitoring. To acquire the necessary precision and to lower the uncertainty in the field measured wind data, it is recommended that calibrated anemometers be deployed on meteorological towers. Calibration of an anemometer relates the raw output from the anemometer under test to a corresponding measure of a controlled reference wind speed in a wind tunnel. In the wind power industry, the most commonly referred standard is IEC 61400-12-1: Wind Turbines
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Document ID: 557D4A8E

Considerations For Calibrating A Laser Doppler Anemometer Msc Paper 1569264292
Author(s): Joe A. Keck, Michael L. Duncan
Laser Doppler Anemometers have long been the device-of-choice for air velocity measurements due to their avoidance of turbulence induced by insertion-method air velocity measurement devices. At first glance, the use of a Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA) for calibrating air velocity meters appears to be a relatively simple and straightforward process. As is typical in most metrological applications the process becomes much more complex when attempting to use the apparatus to make high-performance, metrology measurements. This paper focuses on the considerations for calibration of a LDA beginning with a discussion why an LDA needs to be calibrated. Other areas of discussion include alignment of the optics
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Document ID: 147ABF79

Third Party Testing Laboratories And Measurement Quality
Author(s): Robert B. Deremer
CSA International is an independent third-party testing laboratory and certification agency specializing mainly in safety and performance testing of consumer products. This paper will demonstrate how the ASQ CCT certification program has been important in achieving and maintaining quality in our certification program.
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Document ID: E8B3B662

Round Robin-Proficiency Test, A Four-Year Effort To Enhance Navair Metrology
Author(s): Mike Cruz, Dave Ruff
Naval Air (NAVAIR) Systems Command successfully instituted a proficiency testing program based on a four year initiative to develop an effective measurement quality monitoring process for NAVAIR calibration laboratories world-wide. The three phased project concluded with a final round robin measurement proficiency series that took 24 months to complete. This final effort included eleven depot level calibration laboratories, using 20 artifacts with 67 measurement points, generating over 6,000 measurements. This paper will include the development and implementation of this process, logistical aspects, uncertainty analysis, results and conclusions of the effort.
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Document ID: CF08A280

Report Of An Interlaboratory Comparison Of High Value Resistance Measurements
Author(s): Dr. Li Pi Su And Nathan E. Shattuck
This paper will report the results of an interlaboratory comparison (ILC) of high value resistance measurements (HVRM) in the range of 1 to 100 GO. The ILC was pivoted by the Army Primary Standards Laboratory and included the following participants: the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Ohm-Labs, Inc., Measurements International, the Canadian National Research Council (NRC, two laboratories), Sandia National Laboratories, and the Air Force Primary Standards Laboratory. This will provide an appraisal of the capabilities and degree of equivalence of the participant laboratories by measuring a Guildline model 6636 resistance standard1. The measurements were performed on three of the six internal resistors (1 GO, 10 GO, and 100 GO).
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Document ID: 36CE1510

Sneak Preview Of ISO/IEC 17043
Author(s): Carroll S. Brickenkamp,Sharrill Dittmann,Ernest L. Garner
The balloting for ISO/IEC 17043 Conformity Assessment -- General requirements for proficiency testing ended in April of 2009. The resulting new international standard is expected to be published in 2010. This new standard will impose new requirements on proficiency testing providers, and the organizations that depend upon their results, including bodies that accredit laboratories. Because it is a significant modification of the old ISO/IEC Guide 43 on Proficiency Testing, it is likely that organizations will have a number of years to conform to the new standard. And because it is such a significant modification, no one can afford to ignore the new requirements too long, because it will take proficiency testing providers some time to conform, just as it has taken some number of years for measurement and testing laboratories to conform to ISO/IEC 17025 for laboratories. So get up to speed and learn the likely effects of this new standard on your organization and you!
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Document ID: 03B7A713

Knowing The Limits And Their Benefits - One Example Of A Validated Concept-To- Implementation Pipette Calibration Guardband And Its Return On Investment
Author(s): Marcus Mcneely
In current economic times, demonstrating efficiency is tantamount to demonstrating worth to any organisation. Much emphasis in Healthcare Metrology is placed on too little calibration or an outright lack of calibration, but quite often no corrective action is placed on too much calibration. When process limits arent properly assessed, many calibration programs arbitrarily apply tolerances and intervals far more stringent than necessary, and are unable to apply scientifically defensible impact assessments when these limits are exceeded. While the fiscal burden of excessive calibration may be readily apparent, the often associated but less visible risk in unawareness of true process limits may pose a substantially greater risk than the inflated cost of the calibration itself
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Document ID: 7C3F4ED4

Calibration: To Infinity And Beyond
Author(s): Chet Franklin
It is not a debatable concept that measurement processes, especially calibration processes, are going to be affected by both economic and technological factors which will be global in magnitude. The time is here to analyze the ways in which they will affect the global measurement system as well as the local calibration laboratory. This paper is an attempt to look into the future To Infinity and beyond, as Buzz Lightyear says. This paper will explore change from the concepts of paradigm shifts to breakthroughs. Both concepts incorporate the question,
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Document ID: 62360B27

Ncsli & Web 2.0 Presentation Of The Web 2.0 Panel @ Msc 2010,
Author(s): Unknown
On Thursday July 30, 2009, Panel Session 10A titled Stalking your NCSLI Buddies (Web 2.0) was hosted by Derek Porter (Boeing) at the NCSL International Workshop and Symposium in San Antonio, TX. According to Derek Porter, You can find your NCSLI buddies in Web 2.0. They share media on the photography websites (try NCSLI in the Picasa search). They share micro blogs in the social networking sites (try NCSLI in Facebook search). They are well beyond the web 1.0 pictures and bios on the site. NCSLI supports Web 2.0 and offers the international metrology community the same tools as the mammoth providers on the web. Were looking for you and know you can help us improve our metrology community. Based on this theme, the Web 2.0 panel discussed a number of ways and means that can be, or are already, deployed to sustain a viable on-line metrology community, in all its forms
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Document ID: 6C7A0D1A

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