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Title: Knowing The Limits And Their Benefits - One Example Of A Validated Concept-To- Implementation Pipette Calibration Guardband And Its Return On Investment
Author: Marcus Mcneely
Source: 2010 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2010
Abstract: In current economic times, demonstrating efficiency is tantamount to demonstrating worth to any organisation. Much emphasis in Healthcare Metrology is placed on too little calibration or an outright lack of calibration, but quite often no corrective action is placed on too much calibration. When process limits arent properly assessed, many calibration programs arbitrarily apply tolerances and intervals far more stringent than necessary, and are unable to apply scientifically defensible impact assessments when these limits are exceeded. While the fiscal burden of excessive calibration may be readily apparent, the often associated but less visible risk in unawareness of true process limits may pose a substantially greater risk than the inflated cost of the calibration itself

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