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Title: Evaluating The Economic Impact Of Cmm Measurement Uncertainty
Author: Jon m. Baldwin, Kim D. Summerhays, Daniel A. Campbell
Source: 2010 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2010
Abstract: Product metrology has been regarded, in the conventional view of many US manufacturing operations, as a necessary cost of doing business, the expense of which should be minimized in the interest of greater profit. Recent years have seen the beginnings of a shift to a more critical approach to this topic. A careful look at the risks of incorrect accept/reject decisions due to measurement errors and the associated costs of those errors reveals that the traditional approach is often not the economically most advantageous. Thus, more production operations are beginning to critically examine the economic consequences of measurement and, particularly, the cost of undiscovered measurement errors. Translation of uncertainty-related risks into economic outcomes is an extremely situation-dependent exercise and is particularly involved when considering the application of complex, multi-parameter measuring systems such as CMMs

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