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Title: Method To Develop Calibration Laboratory Information System Requirements
Author: George Jannison
Source: 2010 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2010
Abstract: The need to track the status of items calibrated by a laboratory begin with the fact that periodic calibration of standards and test equipment is required to ensure accurate measurements are being made. If you need to build or buy an inventory or recall system how do you determine the requirements the software must support. Does the software need to drive or support the quality system, or do you just need to notify the instrument owner that their calibrated equipment is due? How much data needs to be kept and who can see it? Is this to support internal or external customers? Will you manage standards, or only test equipment? The paper will describe a method to identify the options and describe some of the limits that you may face in testing and deploying an efficient and effective recall or inventory management system.

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