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Title: Thermal Sensor Transient Response Characteristics
Author: Chiun Wang, Ph.D.
Source: 2010 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2010
Abstract: The transient characteristics of a thermal mass flow sensor in response to sudden changes in gas flow is investigated. Not only the sensors heat capacity and thermal conductivity affects its speed of response, the sensors mechanical design construction as well as the electronic excitation scheme together determines the sensors transient performance behavior. Through heat transfer analysis this paper explores the effect of the sensors mechanical design on its transient response characteristics. By comparing the model solutions against data from a thermal mass flow sensor, it shows how the sensors design construction and the gas physical properties affect the sensors transient performance. The model is also used to demonstrate how the constant-temperature excitation changes the sensor characteristics from a second-order to a first-order system and reduces the sensors step-response time-constant.

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