Tlik Total Mkasuukmknt Oonthoi. SY.ri Km
Author(s): J. U. Mitchell
Industrial calibration control svsicmfi have hiHu rically been designed around calilnation and control of U!8t and measuring equipment, after the fact, with prlnary emphasis on the recall and xuliKcquenl recalilrai. ion of the entire cUipment inventory.
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What It Takes To Succeed A Consideration Of Job Qualifications And Training Requirements
Author(s): Frank J. Ziol
[Abstract Not Available]
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Coitarlson Ok lF.,!rERATlRE Sensors For Space INSTRUMl.NTATION
Author(s): Earl E, Suurtzlandcr, Jr.
Five basic temperature sensors arc analyzed and compared, from the viewpoint of a user requiring i oodcrate range ( i . e . , less than lOOC) f a i r l y high accuracy ttnperature monitor. Some typical nonltor c i r c u i t s will be b-lefly described. It li shown by the typical circuits that sensor nonlinear!ty is not a major problem for these applications. A figure of merit Is presented which f a c i l i t a t e s comparison of the five sensors on the basis of s e n s i t i v i t y and stabili t y . The figure of merit Indicates that commercially available platinum resistance sensors and thermistors are more suitable for this class of temperature conitors than are thernocouples, quartz c r y s t a l s , or s i l i c o n rcslst.nnce sensors
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An Automated Time Domain Test Console
Author(s): L. S. Kreyer
Electronic systems have been growing rapidly more sophisticated, due largely to inventions in components and in the sceincc of cybernetics. Those systems require from the technical community a high degree of expertise in maintenance and calibration to assure measurement reliability
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First Annual Measurements Science Conference
Author(s): Jerry N. Wilson
Frequency i s e a s i l y defined that i s , it is soroe-thing that happens with some regularity such as a certain number of cycles per second (CPS) or Hertz (HZ). In talking about CPS we find we have to talk about time.
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Use Of Geometric Concepts As Dinlnsional Standards
Author(s): D. A. Loretuen
Dimensional standards and nieasurin)! eiiiiipnieni us(.l to measure parameters such as slraiirlitncvs. llatness. pvTvndicularity. and anuulariiy can he ccoromically and accurately calihrated willuxil (lie use of standards in the physical sense. A tutorial review of the applications of .teontelric concepts (rvvetsal and closure techniques) as a means oi providini! elYective standards lor these devices is presented. I he necessary rornuilas are deveUped. typical setups are d o c i i l v d . and aMerences are provided, to improve general undcrtandirt)( of these techniques and to promote their accvplanec as valid calibration standards.
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The Reliability And Cost Of A Product Depends Upon Accurate Measurement
Author(s): John A. Harrington
The present interest of the public in the reliability of a product emphasizes the need for better measurement. The rate of growth of pending libel suits emphasizes this need.
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Metrology The Relevant Science
Author(s): Lawrence m. Kushmer
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A Quality Directors View Of Measurement Science
Author(s): Steve Kozich
The function of measurement from research, development, and Ms application Is the second element of responsibility of a Quality Director, evaluation of requirements and need Is the first responsibility, and third, return on the Investment In equipment and manhours spent completes the broad responsibility of quality management.
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AT10N Mid Surveaunce Of Calibration Aciivities In A Decentralized System*
Author(s): A. B. Draper
The tight tolerances required of components for sophisticated, highly r e l i a b l e systems place proportionately tlht requirements on the measurement systems involved. When various componeni coming from separate fabricators must mate to noor perfection, the accuracy of nicasurcmonts must bo a product of a carefully coordinated system of standards and calibration a c t i v i t i e s . In the AEC weapon complex this is accomplished by a iltand.-iio Laboratory at e.ich location witre crltlc.-sl ..H-asuremcnts i r e performed with a central Prii.ury Standards Laboratory providing the baalt measurement support for the sy.stcm.
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Air Pollution And Man
Author(s): Harold m. Cota
This past year there has been concern over Hish levels of air pollution in New York, Los Amelee and across the nation. Congress is considering aaendoents to the Clean Air Act which inclad* eoission standards for vesccls, aircraft and vehicles. These Senate bills also seek improved control** over aotor vehicle eaissions and tho establishoent emission standards frox certain stationary sources (1).
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Resistance Measurement
If one wonts to meosuie something, he will quickly find ihot definition of ihut something - to - be - measured (the measurond) is a critical iteo in the process. Often the lest of the measurement problem is trivial, once the definition has been achieved.
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Tomorrows Weights And Measures Challenges Are Here Today
Author(s): Mack Rapp
Tomorrows Weights and Measures challenges that are going to be here tomorrow are not the ones which I am concerned with -- nor the ones we should be much discussing today. In this context I think specifically of the type of challenge coming soon as presented by the conversion to the Metric System by our couni.ry and if this should be happening as I think it will in the near future, many problems will accrue for weights and measures people to wrestle with for quite some time to com. There will be the rewriting of rules and regulations. There will be the necessity of education and publicity. There will be the need for man power and the ability to live with dual systems through out the transition period. There will be many other such values which as I said in the beginning are the kind of challenges I for one am not concerned with it at this moment.
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Fundamentals Of Data Logic
Author(s): Jack C. Riley
The recently achieved maturity of digital voltage measuring techniques hos fostered a revolution in meatutement piocesses. Automatic data logging has increased the probability of measurement accuracy. Computer processing permits heretofore unreasonable volumes of data analytis artd correction. New techniques ore being used for maintaining and disseminating local siondord values. Alt of this makes it imperative that people with o broadtr training In technology and mathematical techniques be brought into the rneosurement field.
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A Traceable Calibration Technique For Vacuum Gage
Author(s): Ramond L. Chuan
A pressure divider method of providing very small pressure Increments whose values are related by basic gas law to a pressure which is traceable to a standard Is described. The system provides for the automatic calibration of any vacuum gage In any gas or gas mixture over a prescribed program of Increments from 2 x 10 torr up to any sub-atmospheric level.
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Neutron Radiography As A Quality Control Tool
Author(s): W. E. Nagel
Mr, Nagel is currently Manager of the Quality Engineering and Laboratories section of the Atomics International Quality Assurance Department. Prior to this assignment he was a senior research engineer at Atomics International responsible for planning, directing eind conducting development in nondestructive testing. Before coming to Atoniics International in 1961, Mr. Nagel was a metallurgical engineer with the Aluminum Company of America at their Vernon, California plant. He received his B, S, in Metallurgical Engineering and B, S, in Mineral Dressing Engineering from the Montcina College of Mineral Science and Technology in 1950, He is currently enrolled in the Quality Control Professional Designation Program at UCLA,
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