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Title: Tomorrows Weights And Measures Challenges Are Here Today
Author: Mack Rapp
Source: 1970 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: Tomorrows Weights and Measures challenges that are going to be here tomorrow are not the ones which I am concerned with -- nor the ones we should be much discussing today. In this context I think specifically of the type of challenge coming soon as presented by the conversion to the Metric System by our couni.ry and if this should be happening as I think it will in the near future, many problems will accrue for weights and measures people to wrestle with for quite some time to com. There will be the rewriting of rules and regulations. There will be the necessity of education and publicity. There will be the need for man power and the ability to live with dual systems through out the transition period. There will be many other such values which as I said in the beginning are the kind of challenges I for one am not concerned with it at this moment.

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