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Western Gas Measurement Short Course Publications (1995)

Western Gas Measurement Short Courses

Unaccountdd For Gas
Author(s): Ronald E. Blum
Unaccountdd For Gas can be mvBterioss and puzzling, but it cant be ignored. It has a bottom line effect on rates and profits. It can also indicate or mask significatt accounting and or operating problem.. It is difficutt to accurately calculate and requires an expert detective to monitor. Theterm Unaccountdd For Gas
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Document ID: C4ED602C

Fundamental Principles Of Pilot-Operated Regulators
Author(s): Ken Mears
The primary purpose of this paper is to discuss the basic principles of a Pilot Operated Regulator including components of the system, principles of operation, advantages and disadvantages, and some basic maintenance and inspection procedures
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Document ID: DB73CACD

Fundamentals Of Monitor Regulators
Author(s): Richard J. Mooney
Monitor regulation is a basic form of Over Pressure Protection (OPP) in the natural gas industry. The DOT code requires that whenever the flow of natural gas is being controlled from a system with a higher pressure rating (MAOP - Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure) to a system with a lower MAOP there must be at least one form of over pressure protection to prevent the system with the lower MAOP from being over pressurized. The three acceptable fomis of over pressure protection are:
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Document ID: 8799C15E

Fundamentals Of Pressure Relief Devices
Author(s): Curford C Marsh
Pressure relief devices are self actuated devices designed to prevent the over pressure of a piping or process system beyond safe limits. The use of pressure relief devices protect property and personnel from a catastrophic event. There are many pieces of equipment designed into a system that are intended to control system pressure (i.e. control valves, regulators.. When this equipment fails to control the pressure within design limits, it is the pressure relief device that automatically opens to discharge the over pressure and prevent a catastrophe
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Document ID: 0E00EF8A

Regtruator Sizing And Selection
Author(s): Bryan Niebergall
If the selection of a regulator is done with proper consideration, the regulator chosen will provide adequate, economical, and safe control of gas pressure. Seldom is there a single correct regulator for an application, but, if the selection is done l o g i c a l l y the chosen regulator will give many years of acceptable service
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Document ID: 70798E7E

Design Of High Pressure Regulating Stations
Author(s): Robert C. Harmon
High pressure regulating stations are common throughout the gas industry. In genera,, a regulator operating at pressures greater than 100 psig is a high pressure regulator. High pressure regulating stations are used for many applications, including
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Document ID: 8B22B9B8

Disaster Recovery The Northridee Earthquake Of January 17,1994
Author(s): Charles Chuck() Pospishll
Earthquake Overview At 4:31 a.m., on January 17, 1994, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck in the San Fernando area of southern California. The main shocks epicenter was one mile south of Northridge, at a depth of eleven miles. Northridge is located approximately 20 miles west-northwett of Los Angeles
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Document ID: AF261F55

Pulsation Reduction By Acoustic Hlters For Metering Applications
Author(s): Larry E. Blodgett And Robert J. Mckee
Because of the adverse effects of pulsations on orifice and other types of flow meters there is for many installation,, a need to eliminate or decrease the amplitude of pulsations in the piping. This task has been the primary domain of acoustical piping designers who have had both theoretical and practical field experience in such areas. The most common and effective treatment for pulsation control is the design and installatinn of acousiic filters.
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Document ID: 30FA403C

Environmental Compliance Issues In The Gas Industry
Author(s): James K. Stilwell
Electric and gas utilities continue to experience an ever increasing burden of environmental regulation with the potential for significantly affecting company operations through increased liability and expense. Most utilities are looking at ways of identifying potential compliance difficulties lonq before an enforcement action
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Document ID: A17AC4C8

Bits. Bytks, And Baudscomputer Kindkrgartkn
Author(s): Steve Damato
In todays changing work environment, the personal computer is becoming one of the most prevalent tools in any work shop or office. Even in the natural gas industry, the computer terminal is found in the meter shop for tracking and testing meters. in service trucks for dispatchngg work orders, in the field testing pipe fusion joints or measuring and communicating measurement data, and yes, even in the office doing just about everything except making a good cup of coffee
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Document ID: FC5B6A55

Gas MEASUREM1P.K1T Ftindamentals APPT.Tr&TTON Of Gas Laws
Author(s): Jeff S. Drenker
The successful measurement of the energy contained in natural gas depends largely on accurate information regarding the pressure, temperature, and volume of the gas. In addition to this, accurate information regarding the gas chemistyy is necessary to determine the heat content, or the c a l o r i f ic value of the gas. The consumer purchases natural gas based on energy content
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Document ID: AB034A70

Report On API Egm Standard
Author(s): BintE. Berry
In Septamber of 1993 API pubUshed a new section of the Manual of Petreleum Measurement Standards titled Chanter 21 Flow Measurement Using Electronic Metering Systems. Section 1 Electronic Gas Measuremen. This report provides an overview ofthe API 21.1 document with the intent of serving as a primer and something of an introduciion to the pubUcation. The 21.1 standard was developed by representatives from the American Petroleum Instituae (APD, American Gas Association (AGA) and Gas Processors Association (GPA) member companies with input from equipment manufacturers and others. The 21.1 standadd represenss the first API pubUcation in the field of electronic metering system
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Document ID: A2E87F78

Current Design Of Electronic Odorant Injection Systems
Author(s): Ken Parrott
The use of electronic odorant injection systems is not new, but the improvemenss in this technique have been dramatic in recent years. An electronic injection system is one that uses direct communicaiion of a flow measurement signal. This signal is read by the injection system to accurately inject small volumes of odorant. The injection rate is a prescribed injection rate (IbsIMMCF) and is proportional to the gas flow.
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Document ID: 1FF2F9AF

Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems For Field Measurement And Scada Systems
Author(s): John C. Forrester
reactive purchase, and should be iiz - S f r., T. known as spikes or surges, which are short irregularitiees Brownouts (temporayy drops in power) and blackouts (complete losses of power). Ways to deal with power problems include suppression, i s o l a t i o n , and regulation Unintrruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems are commonly used for regulation
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Document ID: 8E189C30

Specificanion And Design Of Line Heaters
Author(s): F. D. Frosty Heath
Natural gas is produced and transported at high pressures. In order for the gas to be ukimately consumed, it is necessary to reduce the gas pressure. This pressure reduction causes the gas to cool and can form hydrates. The purpose of an indirect fired line heater is to provide heat to a natural gas stream to prevent localized hydrate formation.
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Document ID: 3D501269

Chromatographs- Theory, Operation & Maintenanee Of Gas Chromatographs
Author(s): Louis N. Cox,
Gas Chromatography is a physical method of separation where the components to be separated are distributed betwenn two phases a stationary bed of large surface area and a fluid that moves through the stationary bed. A gas or vaporized liquid mixture is physically separated into its individual componenss through this stationary bed. Key Elemenss in a Gas Chromatogranh
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Document ID: E296E605

AGA Standards 3 And 8 Revisions
Author(s): Fred N. Debusk
The paper will present the significant changes in the new AGA3Natural Gas Fluids Measuremen,, and AGA-8-Compressibility Factors of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Gases which are available and are in the process of being implemented. Standards AGA-3 - Part 1 General Equations and Uncertainty Guidelines Part 2 Specification and Installation Requirements Part 3 Natural Gas Application Part 4 Background, Developmen,. Implemetitation Procedure and Subroutine Documentaiion for Empirical Flange-Tapped Discharge Coefficient Equation
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Document ID: E0084756

Fundamentals Of Positive Displacement Meters
Author(s): Bob Bennett
By comparison, the New York Gas Light Company, founded in 1823, prospered and expanded. They had built their system on the use of gas meters to measure the supply of gas to customers, and a large one to register the quantity made at the station before it is conveyed to the gasometers. The pattern of operation used by copied! olher foTanLrhrunoi? the east coast, including the Baltimore company.
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Document ID: 05AF8D25

Fundamentals Of Turbine Meters
Author(s): William W.STEPHENS
Turbine meters go as far back to 1901 when Thomas Thorp applied for a ...... , . . . a inferential gas years later in British patent turbo meter. A for few i-v U.S.patent. Very few still exist of interest le to 1903 he received the firts IT r. -1 1 sgg Fig.l if any of these meters today. Because of lack or demand not much was done until 1936
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Document ID: CDB6CA15

Smart And Multivariable Transmitters
Author(s): Clayne Arthur
The development of the microprocessor has had a profound effect on business and our individual lives. Each of us have been affected by the proliferation of Personal Computers in or ofHces and in our homes. The continuing improvements in microprocessor technology of higher processing speeds, Increasing availabity and lower costs have also begun to make changes in the measurement industry
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Document ID: 1ADBF2F4

The Gas Company Scgc()
uergyr/i.Ahowtofindandstopit. United States gas utilities are being ripped off at the meter and we have begun to fight back. It is difficult to detect much of our gas theft because of the vulnerability of the gas meter and the sophisticaiion of the thief Major urban utilities are losing millions of dollars annually because of theft of gas. Ten years ago, senior management at The Gas Company, became aware of energy theft along with procedures to combat the problem
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Document ID: E42D6016

Fundamentals Of Selfoperated Regulators
Author(s): Gary R. Oleson
Self-operated type regulators continue to be the most widely used design in the natural gas industry for controlling pressure and meeting downsrream demand. The primary use for self-operated regulators is in residential service, but they can also be used for farm taps, district regulators. instrument air controllers, relief valves, and in many other applicaiion
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Document ID: 23E712C2

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