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Title: Welding On Pressurized Pipeiines
Author: H. W. Mishler, J. W. Kiefner
Source: American Gas Association 1981
Year Published: 1981
Abstract: Repair and hoi tap welding on pressurized pipelines are practiced widely ihroughout the natural gas, petroleum, and petrochemical industries. Though there are certain obvious potential hazards associated wilh such practices, they have been used for many years with few known hazardous incidents. It is generally believed that the good safety record associated with such welding is due to the conservative practices of pipeline operators. In a study carried out by Batteile researchers, the hot lap welding practices of various companies were reviewed and compared. The results of this study reflect ihe scope of pipeline operators concerns for safely conducting hot tap welding in a very wide variety of circumstances. In addition, the study has revealed factors in hot tap welding which require further research.

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