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Title: Compressor Station Operations By Microwave
Author: Bryson L. Lowman
Source: 1966 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1966
Abstract: The entire natural gas system of South Carolina Electric & Gas Company, Figure I, is supphed by Southern Natural Gas Company at Aiken, S. C. A major transmission line from Aiken forms a Y at Salley with one branch to Columbia and the other to Charleston. In 1963 a microwave system was planned from Colimibia to an electric generating plant at Beech Island. South Carolina (near Augusta. Georgia). Considering the possibility of future compressors for the gas system, microwave repeaters were located so that the Aiken and Salley stations could be controlled from our central dispatching office in Columbia. The microwave system operates in the 6.000 mc band using FIVI multiplex. The RF has 100 milliwatt output and repeaters are spaced at 15 and 25 mile intervals. The multiplex has a capacity of 48 voice channels with each channel having a frequency response of 300 to 3000 cps at --1 and -3 db. The system was designed so that under normal operating conditions the signal to noise ratio on the voice channels between Columbia and Beech Island is 60 db. With a fade of 30 db in any one hop, the S/N ratio on Ihc same channels is 25 db. The microwave stations are operated on 115 volt 60 cps commercial power with 5 KW emergency gas generators. Hot standby RF is provided at all stations with bilateral switching.

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