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Title: Gas Chromatograph Basics
Author: Murray Fraser
Source: 2001 Western Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 2001
Abstract: The on-line gas chromatograph (GC) has been widely used for natural gas quality analysis and energy measurement at custody transfer locations since the early 80s. The gas chromatograph measures component concentrations first and then calculates physical properties of the gas such as BTU and relative density. Both BTU and relative density can have a large effect on unaccounted for Gas. Relative density and composition effect volume calculations and BTU effects total energy calculations. Units of energy measurement can be British Thermal Units (BTU) Mega Joules (MJ) or KiloCalories (KJ). This paper will refer to BTU for energy units, ISO (KJ) or SI (MJ) metric units can be used interchangeably

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