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Title: Turbo Type Meter Measurement
Author: J. R. Stevenson
Source: 1966 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1966
Abstract: Features of a Rockwell Turbo Meter are desirable for measurement in the gas industry. If you analyze the various measurement requirements and specifications that are set forth, you can readily see where the Turho Meter is very applicable. In this day of increased construction cost, the gas consumer is not interested in building an extremely large area to bouse gas measurement equipment. The Turbo Meter is small and compact, mainly because it operates at much higher revolutions per minute than our old stand-by measurement devices. Ihe basic design of the Turbo also results in very good rangcability. At low pressure, the range of the 6 meter is 13 to I. The 8 Turbo Meter has a rangeability at low pressure of 20 to 1. When you increase the pressure, the rangeability automatically increases. When operating at 125 psi. the rangeability of the 6 Turbo Meter is 40 to 1, and rangeabilify for the H Turbo Meter increases to 62 to 1. The basic principle of the meter also results in a very low maintenance cost. These are only a few of the reasons that we feel that the Turbo type measurement principle is going to find a great deal of use in the gas industry. Because of its relative youth, we shall discuss its basic principle of operation, as well as its construction and other items of interest.

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