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Title: Quality Control As It Affects Construction And Maintenance
Author: N. Paul Hartleben
Source: American Gas Association 1974
Year Published: 1974
Abstract: Quality. Much like a ping-pong ball, quality is a word that gels batted around quite a bit. But think about it we must. The search for it has become another way of life in many companies, plants, or departments in almost any phase of industry today. The big question about quality that remains is how to acquire more of it, how to control it, or deliver it in volume. Assurance of quality materials purchased and made available for construction and maintenance is one of the subjects of concern in the materials management field of our industry. The quality of material that is delivered to the field will ultimately affect the quality of performance in that area. The savings and benelits. direct or indirect, to many departmental units that purchasing and stores support can readily be seen from one small application of quality control.

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