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Title: A Review Of The Available Non-Corrodible Service Risers Under Present Regulations
Author: Frank m. Chapman
Source: American Gas Association 1974
Year Published: 1974
Abstract: The current need for the so-called noncorrodible meter riser has come about because of two separate regulations in the federal safety code. One has to do with the requirement that all underground metal gas piping must be caihodically protected and tested frequently. The other has to do with the requirement that plastic pipe may not be used where it may be subjected to temperatures in excess of 100F. Section 192.4 of the federal safely code for gas piping says that all buried or submerged (metal) pipelines . . . must be protected against external corrosion. The section expands upon this requirement by adding, among other things, that all buried metal gas lines must have a cathodic protection system designed to protect the pipeline in its entirety. . . .

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