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Title: Ultrasonic Flow Meters For Liquid Measurement
Author: Jed Mats
Source: 1995 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1995
Abstract: The ultrasonic flowmeter for liquids has been in use in industry for over 30 years. In general these meters are available in two basic types - the Doppier type, and the Transit-Time (or Time-of-flight) type. There has been considerable development and advancement of this technology through the I980s and 1990s due to the use of microelectronics, microprocessors and advanced software techniques. This advancement has allowed the ultrasonic flowmeter to be far more available for general use - in fact to be used as a flovraieter, not just as an ulhasonic flovraieter. All this because these advancements have produced lower costs, greater versatility, higher accuracy, and easier installation and raaintainence.

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