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Title: Federal LNG Safety Standards- Philosophies, Facts And Features
Author: Walt Dennis
Source: American Gas Association 1981
Year Published: 1981
Abstract: Legislative history justified Department of Transportation (DOT) jurisdiction over liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities under the Natural Gas Pipeline safety Act of 1968 (N6GSA), making them subject to Parts 191 and 192 since publication in 1970. However, in amendments and legislative history of the Act in 1979, Congress mandated development of comprehensive and more stringent LNG standards within a prescribed time frame. In developing the standards, assuring that LNG industry success be dependent on its own economic merit and societal benefit, free of unreasonable obstruction, was a guiding DOT philosophy. Public concern would not be assuaged by probabihstic risk analyses of questionable merit. Rather, credible federal standards were necessary for achievement.

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