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Title: Interactive Graphics Whats In It For The Corrosion Engineer?
Author: Joseph C. Barnett, Jr., Frank A. Perry
Source: American Gas Association 1983
Year Published: 1983
Abstract: Computers have found their way into every corner of our lives. UtiUty records are no exception. For years computers have been used for customer information, billing functions, and operational duties. Now they are drawing maps, preparing plant-in-place inventory reports and, hold your hat, keeping corrosion control data. Now, just keeping the corrosion control survey data on a computer is nothing new. But, tieing that data to a specific point on the network map through the computer is new. It is called Interactive Graphics. This meahs that the data interacts with the map (graphics) to produce a new, powerful tool for keeping records and analyzing data and generating reports. This paper describes the Interactive Graphics System, what is involved with using one, and how it can help the corrosion engineer. This is a basic paper that is designed for someone who does not know what Interactive Graphics is, or someone whose company is about to enter the Interactive Graphics world.

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