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Title: Pilot Operated Regulators
Author: C. A. Serafino
Source: 1944 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1944
Abstract: A piece of mechanical equipment is most efficient when it is worliing near the condition for which it was designed. Every mechanical device in the gas industry has been made to do some specific work, The efficiency obtained from each device depends upon how near it is adapted to the job for which it was designed. A compressor to be efficient could not be efficient when it is running with a lower suction pressure than that for which it was designed. In a like manner, an automobile is not an efficient piece of equipment when it is running at one mile per hour or at seventy miles per hour. This same line of thought holds true for any piece of mechanical equipment and a gas regulator is no exception to the rule. Each piece of equipment has a zone of efficient operation.

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