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Title: Sample Conditioning And Sampling Systems For Portable Gas Chromatograph Systems
Author: Joe Landes
Source: 2008 Natural Gas Sampling Technology Conference
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: Portable micro gas chromatographs have been in use for over 20 years. The technology was originally developed for NASA and the space program. NASA still uses micro GCs and other industry sectors have adopted the technology for various applications. The early instruments had some design flaws that caused problems for hydrocarbon analysis. The instrument design has evolved and manufacturers have addressed these initial problems. Modern portable GCs are widely used for the analysis of Natural Gas. As the use of these instruments increased, it became important that industry standards consider applications and methods for them. Seven years ago, the GPA Technical Section B committee formed two workgroups to determine if existing methods could be used or modified to include portables, or if new methods would have to be developed to address portable GCs. One workgroup was to evaluate performance for the instrument under GPA 2261. The other workgroup was to evaluate sampling systems.

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