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Title: Advancements In Horizontal Directional Drilling Weak Links For No Dig Technologies: The Tow Tension Monitoring Tool
Author: Maximillian J. Kieba, Christopher J. Ziolkowski
Source: American Gas Association 2002
Year Published: 2002
Abstract: A problem facing Horizontal Direction Drilling (HDD) installations of PE pipe is that the pipe sometimes breaks or is overstressed because the pulling forces of the drill rig often exceed the forces acting on the pipe end. To help protect the pipe, a weak-link between the drill stem and pipe is installed that breaks when safe load limits are exceeded. However, when the weak-link breaks the crew still has to retrieve the pipe, either by re-attaching the pipe at the break point or starting the job from the beginning. Even if the pipe doesnt break, the utility has no definite way of knowing if the pipe significantly approached the maximum safe tensile values or for how long.

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