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Title: Direct-Scanning Alpha Spectrometer For Americium And Plutonium Contamination
Author: W. C. Ward, H.E. Martinez, T.O. Nelson, A.N. Morgan, P. L. Serrano
Source: 1998 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1998
Abstract: A multichannel instrument has been developed for automated in situ measurements of trace 239Pu and 241Am contamination on a surface whose alpha count is dominated by 235U and 234U decay. The hemispherical scanning assembly incorporates a vacuum chamber with a rotary table, 13 fixed ion-implanted silicon detectors, spectroscopy electronics, and software for preprocessing, automatic calibration, measurement, discrimination, and postprocessing. The system produces an overall contamination estimate as well as a complete log and three-dimensional display of the location of areas of high surface contamination. We present performance data as well as discrimination algorithms, system integration, calibration, and control issues, and dynamic geometric efficiency calculations related to the design and qualification of the instrument.

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