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Title: The Decommissioning Inspection And Modification Of LNG Storage Facilities
Author: E. Duus, G. E. Riley, I. V. Lafave
Source: American Gas Association 1983
Year Published: 1983
Abstract: To date, on a world-wide basis, approximately 250 LNG tanks have been constructed and successfully put into service. Through the years, a limited number of LNG tanks have been taken out of service so that repairs or modifications could be carried out. The purpose of this paper is to share with the industry some of the experience gained when taking LNG tanks out of service. This paper is presented in two parts. The first part discusses the considerations and techniques involved in taking an LNG tank out of service in preparation for tank entry. The second part of the paper discusses inspections carried out both before and after entry to the tank together with examples and methods of modifications which have been made.

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