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Author: Donald P. Mayeaux
Source: 2018 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2018
Abstract: It has long been recognized that the largest source of error in the analysis of natural gas is the sample conditioning system (SCS). The sample conditioning systems consist of all components through which the sample gas travels from its source, typically a pipeline, to the gas chromatograph (GC) inject valve. The purpose of the sample conditioning system is to extract a natural gas sample that is representative of the source, transport it to an on line gas chromatograph, and in the process condition it so that it is compatible with the analyzer. Conditioning consist mainly of excluding unwanted liquids and solids, regulating the pressure and flow, and heating to maintain the sample gas well above its hydrocarbon dew point temperature(1). During the entire sample conditioning process the sample gas must not undergo any changes in its composition.

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