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Title: Challenges With Salinity Measurements In Multiphase Flow Metering
Author: Anton Gryzlov, Erik Undheim, Ebbe Nyfors, Lyndall Jordaan, Stine Jger Alvr, Elin Steinsland
Source: 2013 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2013
Abstract: In situ measurement of multiphase flow over a wide range of flow conditions is not a trivial task and imposes various challenges for multiphase meters. Although the metering technology has evolved over the last decade, there is a potential for improvement in certain areas. Experience shows that one of the main sources of uncertainty for multiphase meters is insufficient/incorrect knowledge of fluid properties: such as density, viscosity and permittivity. In multiphase meters based on the measurement of flow permittivity, the measurements are especially affected by changes in the salinity of the water phase. This is due to the strong relationship between the water permittivity and the conductivity and hence the salinity of the water. The measurements are predominantly affected by this dependence in water continuous flow

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