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Title: Gleaning The Maximum Benefit From The D.O.T. Operator Qualification Regulation With Simulation-Based Training
Author: K. Alan Rodecker
Source: American Gas Association 1999
Year Published: 1999
Abstract: For gas controllers, simulation-based training is the most effective method of complying with the pending U.S. D.O.T. Operator Qualification Regulation, and it has many additional benefits. Simulation-based training is neither new to control rooms, nor is it specific to the United States. What is new and unique, is the opportunity to enhance control room training programs while qualifying staff with regard to the pending regulation. This paper identifies some of the primary benefits of operator qualification via simulation-based training, describes available configurations of a trainer simulator including a brief description of the system components, and identifies some practical considerations that are important to a successful implementation. Further, this paper discusses some of the additional benefits that can be derived from a trainer simulator installation beyond the qualification of gas controllers to perform specific covered tasks.

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