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Title: Functions Of Field Meter Men
Author: Pat H, Miller
Source: 1940 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1940
Abstract: Science Begins With Measurement. This statement is credited to Aristotle who, thou.h living in the age of wood, stone and hand forged metals, could Tsion the technical and scientific progress that might be brought about by increasing refinements in methods of meas- jremtnt. Through the ages this has been the rule of things, and today fine measurement is the basis for the manufacture of the industrial machinery that makes our hifjh standard of living possible. Every branch of science and industry is constantly endeavoring to improve measurement practices. In many industries, e.specially amonp public utilities, there are departments set up for the specific purpose of handling the measurement of their commodities. In this field the nat- jral gas industry is probably the most highly developed because it does not manufacture its product, but must maintain meters for lioth purchases and sales. The GAS MEASUREMENT DEPARTMENT consists primarily of an OFFICE force and a FIELD force, both under the direction of the DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDEXT. FIELD METER MEN arc held responsible for the care ind operation of the GAS MEASURING EQUIPMENT, and the OFFICE looks to them for prompt delivery of CHARTS, PERTINENT GAS TESTS, and other information required for calculating the volumes measured. This responsibility requires the energies of one having an uncompromising determination to have accuracy in every detail. METER

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