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Title: Hybrid Meter for Marginal Wet Natural Gas Producing Fields
Author: Eric Sanford Koichi Igarashi Richard Steven
Source: 2018 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2018
Abstract: Natural gas onshore production is often from marginal wells. Such wells, or groups of wells, often produce wet natural gas through small pipes and therefore wet gas meters are desirable. However, most wet gas meter products are sophisticated, complex, and expensive systems largely aimed at offshore high productivity flows. They tend to be cost prohibitive for marginal well small pipe wet gas flows. Marginal field operation requires simpler, more cost effective, wet gas meter designs. One simple wet gas meter design concept is use of two dissimilar gas meters in series. The two meters different responses to wet gas flow are cross-referenced to produce a gas flow rate and liquid loading prediction. Such designs exist on the market, but they tend to use at least one specially designed meter and be expensive. This paper discusses a simple low cost two meters in series wet gas meter design. It pairs a vortex meter and a cone DP meter. It is developed from a single phase mass meter design.

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