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Title: Swirlmeter Gas Flowmeter Applications
Author: John G. Kopp
Source: 1972 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1972
Abstract: During the past twenty years basic fluid mechanics studies of vortex development and decay observed that given the proper environment that any fluid, liquid or gas, will take up a definite and regular oscillatory motion which within given limits is proportional to flowrate. The Swirlmeter (Figures 1 and 2) was the first flowmeter to use the principle of fluid oscillation as a practical flowmeter. The Swirlmeter Gas Flowmeter is intended for gas flow measurement although fluid oscillation, the principle involved, is applicable to both gas and liquid flow. The Swirlnaeter design has been optimized to give the best combination of performance characteristics on gases.

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