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Title: The Residual Oil Film Adhering To The Rough Inner Wall Of Bell Prover
Author: Yiping Liu Chao Chen Jinchuan Wu, Jinmimg Zhang
Source: Flomeko 2016
Year Published: 2016
Abstract: Oil film adherence is one of sources of uncertainty for bell prover since it occupies the part of calibrated volume after bell is withdrawn from the bath at a constant velocity. Surface tension should be considered in determinin g uniform thickness of oil film entrained by the lifted bell casing at low speed. Drainage of oil film results in the decreasing thickness until the thickness reaches practically stable during the bells dwell period. The falling film flow equation with lu brication approximation is employed to obtain the time evolution of film profile. In order to consider the effect of rough surface on drainage behavior, the falling film is separated into the interconnected two layers, and rough surface is modelled as the structure of micropillar arrays. The computational results show that the drainage on rough surface is slower than that on smooth surface because of the increased viscous resistance inside liquid film. The time evolution of film profile not only presents th e time when the film thickness at a certain location starts to decrease but also show how long it takes to approach the final stable thickness. Thus, it is useful for examiner s to interpose a substantial dwell prior to running test to obtain state stabilit y and to reduce emptying error.

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