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Title: The Evolution Of Sonic Nozzles In Distribution And Small Transmission Measurement Testing Applications
Author: Gregory A. Germ
Source: American Gas Association 2009
Year Published: 2009
Abstract: Distribution gas meter testing has evolved over the past twenty years - specifically, the technology and test equipment. For decades, gas meter performance was determined using bell-type proving equipment. Bell-type provers provide the volume standard comparison for testing a wide range of distribution gas meters - from residential to industrial class meters (5000 cfh capacity). A large number of bell-type provers are still employed at distribution gas meter service and repair facilities. Bell-type provers, however, have a number of physical and operational disadvantages that directly effect measurement uncertainty. In addition, the use of bell-type proving equipment increase operating costs, decrease material handling efficiencies, and create local environmental workspace concerns. The Sonic Nozzle Flow Element and its application as a gas measurement device has led to the creation of a more modern gas meter prover, better suited for the common meter shop. Sonic Nozzle Provers have replaced bell-type provers as the primary distribution gas meter test fixture, leading to increased meter testing accuracies and process control. Utility gas meter repair facilities continue to move away from bell-type proving to the sonic nozzle proving of distribution gas meters. This paper will summarize sonic nozzle theory and how its applied to distribution gas measurement. The advancements of sonic nozzle proving technology and additional uses in gas measurement will be discussed, and how these future developments may benefit distribution measurement practices.

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