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Title: Developing An Emergency Operations Center
Author: Fil A. Bernal
Source: American Gas Association 1991
Year Published: 1991
Abstract: The Southern California Gas Companys Emergency Operations Center (EOC) incorporates lessons learned over thirty years. Its primary function is to collect information from company facilities in the affected area and to communicate requests for resources The size and type of an EOC is determined by the functions it is intended to serve. Typical options include dedicated space, a multipurpose room, leased space, space shared with another company or a mobile EOC Essential features include a ground-floor location, an emergency power generator, priority phone lines, radio communications equipment, status boards, and an adequate stock of food rations and office supplies The EOC staff must be large enough to allow for work shifts and all members should participate in annual EOC exercises. Companies should prepare facilities in other locales to function as alternate EOCs.

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