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Title: Active Corrosion: A Computerized Approach
Author: Adriano Santini
Source: American Gas Association 1983
Year Published: 1983
Abstract: This paper describes one procedure that is used to comply with a major requirement of Government regulation pertaining to corrosion control on gas distribution piping: the determination of Active Corrosion Areas. The method involves the computerized analysis of thousands of leak records using a high level computer system. Parameters are first established by which the severity of each leak can be assessed. The computer then calculates these parameters for each leak and summarizes them for each area. The relative corrosion activity of each area is thus determined. The computer then arranges these according to their relative corrosion activity, and from this distribution final criteria are established for choosing those areas that will be termed active corrosion. These areas are then individually reviewed by a corrosion engineer who applies his knowledge and experience to make the final judgement as to which specific pipe sections will be replaced and/or protected.

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