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Title: Well Deliverability-What Works And Where?
Author: Farrile S. Young, Yusuf Shikari
Source: American Gas Association 1991
Year Published: 1991
Abstract: A comprehensive review of the technology currently used by the industry has been prepared. Operators assessment of the relative costs and benefits of deliverability enhancement techniques now in use was obtained. The sources of information were the A.G.A., and operator surveys and interviews. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the industries injection/ production wells were included in a gas storage data base that was developed (in dBase IV format). Each of the reservoirs described in the data base was classified according to lithology, trap type, and reservoir driving mechanism. TWelve reservoir types evolved, but only seven classifications were found to contain 94% of all active storage fields. Average reservoir properties were assigned to each of the reservoirs in the data base.

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