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Title: U.S. Coast Guard LNG Regulations
Author: P. J. Pluta
Source: American Gas Association 1979
Year Published: 1979
Abstract: LNG is rapidly becoming an important source of imported energy to meet the overall energy needs of the nation. Concern expressed by news media, the general public and public officials has focused on the safety of the related transportation, storage, and distribution systems, including those under Coast Guard jurisdiction in the marine mode. On October 4, 1976, the U.S. Coast Guard published Proposed Standards for Self- Propelled Vessels Carrying Bulk Liquefied Gases. These standards implement the corresponding international code developed under the auspices of the International Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO), formally IMCO Resolution A.328 (IX), the Code for the Conslruciion and Equipmenl of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk.

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