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Title: Supply Balancing
Author: Andrea Mills, Mark Bolze
Source: American Gas Association 2004
Year Published: 2004
Abstract: As the natural gas industry began to deregulate and unbundle products and services, the need arose to be able to better predict supply requirements on a daily basis for third party suppliers. It became evident that there was also a need to be able to balance all supply being delivered at Local Distribution city-gates. Therefore, Advantica designed solutions for recommending and balancing nominations for marketers of retail meters and for marketers of daily read meters. This paper provides some insights into the background and application of these solutions through discussions of: a. How deregulation evolved and where it is today. b. How deregulation and unbundling was established at Washington Gas c. The utilization of Advanticas products at Washington Gas. d. Specific features and implementation considerations for the Retail Marketer Advisor (RMA) and Forecaster systems.

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