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Title: Automatic Proving Of Domestic Meters
Author: Stuart P. Smith
Source: 1964 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1964
Abstract: Ten years ago, probably there were many managers of meter shops who liked to think of a day when repaired and rebuilt meters would move along an automatic belt conveyor, advance to a prover test stand where they would automatically be put through open and check runs, with the data including differentials recorded and move on to the next station, all with no more effort than merely pressing a button. Since then a great deal of this has become a reality. Conveyor systems have been in use for many years and we have seen several semi-automatic proving devices come on the market. There are available devices that will sense and record meter differentials automatically. As for further automation in this field we will undoubtedly see more of this within the next ten years.

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