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Title: Gylcol Dehydrators As Applied To Production Gas
Author: William Nutter
Source: 1984 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: Water normally found In field lines Is entrained in the gas, most often in vapor form if water concentration is even moderately high. Gas purchasers are now requiring that the water content must be held down to a minimum standard and perform test sample measurements to determine water content. This method of measurement is commonly known as dew point. With the dew point known it is now possible to refer to tables that establish how many pounds of H2O are in each million cubic feet of gas. This can range from 3# to 200#/MMCF on production gas. A typical contract limit by gas purchasers is 7#/MMCF. The purpose of a dehydration Is to remove saturated water from produced gas to a low enough level to be acceptable to the purchaser, whereas a separator is sufficient to the point of removal of solid liquid forms only.

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