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Title: Flow Measurement Of High Viscosity Fluids
Author: Chris Mills, Craig Marshall, Andy Kay, Marc Macdonald
Source: 2013 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2013
Abstract: The vast majority of the worlds remaining oil reserves are categorised as heavy / unconventional oils (high viscosity). Due to diminishing conventional oil reserves and the need to secure future energy supplies to a rising world population, the exploitation of unconventional oils will increase. As the development of these viscous deposits grows, so too will the requirement for accurate flow measurement of heavy crude oils and other viscous products. Unfortunately, the performance of conventional flowmeters when applied to viscous fluids1 remains relatively poorly known. However, a number of technical challenges are immediately identifiable. These include the higher viscous friction of the fluid being metered, the possibility of extreme or varying velocity profiles, and the increased susceptibility of viscous liquids to entrain secondary components such as solids or gas

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