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Title: Performance Evaluation Of A 3 Inch Micro-Motion Mass Flow Meter In High Pressure Natural Gas Applications
Author: U. Karnik, J. Geerligs, R. Kowch
Source: 1999 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 1999
Abstract: This paper presents results obtained from the testing of a 3inch Micro-Motion Coriolis mass flow meter. The meter was tested at the Didsbury Gas Dynamic Test Facility (GDTF), near Calgary, in natural gas, at static pressures of around 5700 kPa. The meter performance was compared to a bank of sonic nozzles traceable to the primary gravimetric system. Results indicate that the meter showed a bias of 0.49% when compared to the reference nozzle bank. Such a bias could be eliminated by flow calibrating the meter in natural gas. A flow calibrated meter has a repeatability (2s) of 0.3%. This is within the stated accuracy of the device which is 0.5%. Within its repeatability and accuracy, the meter can be used downstream of installations such as two elbows in plane and elbows out of plane without the use of a flow conditioner.

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