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Title: Natural Gas Vehicle Developments-A Gas Industry And Original Equipment Manufacturer Cooperative Effort
Author: Steven W. Gauthier
Source: American Gas Association 1990
Year Published: 1990
Abstract: For many years, natural gas has been used as an engine fuel in stationary prime movers driving natural gas compressors, liquid pumps, and similar equipment. Natural gas has been particularly significant as a fuel for prime movers powering electric generators in the electric utility, commercial and industrial cogeneration sectors. To a lesser extent, natural gas also has been used in vehicles where there was a total operation cost advantage or other incentives. However, the physical and economic barriers restricting the broad acceptance of natural gas as an alternative fuel in the transportation market have proven to be formidable. The attributes of liquid petroleum products are so ideally suited to on-board fuel storage that vehicles other than petroleum liquid-fuel vehicles have gained only a minor market share in the United States. New opportunities for natural gas are being developed, however, stimulated by energy security concerns, trade imbalances created by petroleum imports, the abundance of natural gas in North America and the existing transmission and distribution system that can deliver it to almost anywhere in the country, and, most important, tighter restrictions on vehicle emissions. Although substantial research and development will be required for natural gas to successfully meet the demands of the alternative-fuel vehicle marketplace, the clean burning characteristics of natural gas and the extensive experience gained in stationary gas engine development will help make natural gas vehicles (NOV) a particularly attractive alternative.

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