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Title: Factors affecting Accuracy and Precision in H2S Measurements.
Author: Tim Giesbrecht
Source: 2017 Grande Prairie - Canadian School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2017
Abstract: Why should we care? ? Impact on Natural Gas Composition: ? In todays Petroleum market, its becoming more and more important to ensure that your product is being sold for every cent that its worth. ? A small difference in the price obtained for cubic meter of gas or oil can escalate into millions of dollars over the course of the year. ? The value of natural gas is generally described as per below: Revenue () Heating Value (GJ/m3) x Volume (m3) x Market Value (/GJ) ? The volume of gas recorded at the meter and the heating value of the gas within the product stream are influenced by your lab results. ?Dry Gas Density and Heating Value both come from the Gas Composition.

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