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Title: Various Applications Of Telemetering In Gas Distribution
Author: Robert P. Schwartz
Source: 1984 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: One of the problems faced by gas distribution companies Is to maintain low point system pressures in the gas distribution system. The distribution system itself is a complex network of piping with a given area fed by one or more district regulators. The far ends or low points of the system must maintain a minimum pressure in order to furnish an adequate service of gas to the customers in that particular area. Since the system low point is fed by one or more regulators, the regulator setting must be changed periodically to maintain the desired pressure at this system low point. Increase in the system load between the regulator and the low point will cause the low point pressure to drop, requiring that the regulator setting be Increased In order to maintain adequate pressure. The pressure in the system must also be kept as low as possible and still maintain adequate service to prevent excess leakage loss in the distribution system between the regulator and the low point.

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