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Title: Coping With Changing Flow Requirements At Existing Meter Stations
Author: Barry Lagadinos
Source: 2011 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2011
Abstract: In the natural gas distribution business, the measuring station is the cash register for buying and selling natural gas. When measuring stations are installed, they should be designed to meet a percentage of the maximum load with a growth factor included in the design of the station for future growth. A perfect measuring station will measure all the gas needs correctly and be the smallest size possible. When sizing a measuring station, it is often assumed that not all equipment it serves will be operating at full capacity 100% of the time. An example of sizing would be a measuring station sized to measure the gas at 70% of the maximum load. When a measuring station is sized, it also needs to be able to measure low flow rates accurately. Accurate metering of both high and low flow rates may not be possible with a single meter application. Flow rates can change permanently or temporarily. Some of these changes in flow rates and methods to deal with them will be covered.

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