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Title: Determination Of Gasoline Content Of Gas
Author: A, G. Tillman
Source: 1950 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1950
Abstract: The term gasoline content of gas denotes the amount I condensable hydrocarbons, which can be recovered from I unit volume of gas measured under specific conditions Buottne content is usually expressed in gallons per thousmd cubic feet or gallons per million cubic feet. The four most common methods of determining the gaso- -.e content of natural gas are: Low Temperature Fractional Analysis, A.O.A.-N.GA.A. Compression, A.G.A.-N.G. VA. Charcoal Absorption, and c.N.G.A. Charcoal Absorption. The two methods that will be discussed in this paper arc ie Low Temperature Fractional Analysis and the C N GA --larcoal Absorption.

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