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Title: Natural Gas: A Premium Fuel For Americas Future
Author: George H. Lawrence
Source: American Gas Association 1977
Year Published: 1977
Abstract: Ive been looking forward for many weeks to the prospect of being with you here in New Orleans today. Not only do I always welcome an excuse to come to this lovely city, but also, with my background as a petroleum engineer. I have long shared the interests and concerns of the Operating Section. A brief glance at the program for this conference reveals the breadth of the matters youll be dealing with during the next several days. I hope that youll have stimulating and productive sessions, for this is a critical year for the future of natural gas. All in all, Americas energy industries have been traveling a pretty rough road in recent years. Weve seen no coherent policy or direction developed at the national level, in spite of the shock we experienced during 1973 with the oil embargo. That one act revealed the fragility of our energy suppply system and the necessity for adequate energy to support our national economy. Yet, since that time, the White House and the Congress have been long on talk, and short on performance. Therefore, we were most receptive when we heard of President Carters intent to propose a truly comprehensive energy program. We thought we sensed a realization on the part of the Administration that a new approach should be taken to the problem of assuring the availability of adequate energy supplies.

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