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Title: The United States Energy Situation
Author: David E. Hochanadel
Source: American Gas Association 1973
Year Published: 1973
Abstract: The possibility that the United States and the world is facing an energy crisis is painfully beginning to dawn. This specter is looming ever more convincingly as this past winter we saw how a shortage of one fuel will cascade almost through the whole gamut of fuels. The cut olf of interruptible gas backed into the propane market, dried it up, and then went on to invade the fuel oil market. Similarly, power plants, hungry for fuel, would pick up anything that would burn. The Chicago airports were nearly driven out of jet fuel, not to mention the impact of power plants on number two fuel oil. Intemiptible gas had been sold to all types of industrial and utility consumers at very low rates with the understanding that during peak winter demand periods they might not be able to be served. For winter after winter, the gas had not been interrupted and these consumers enjoyed the benefits of very low-cost energy throughout the year.

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