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Title: Manual Procedures For Chart Calculations
Author: Gloria m. Ivey
Source: 1978 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1978
Abstract: Tn the natural gas company the meter station chart is the link between the company Itself and the rpality of its product. The interpretation of the recording and the calculation of the volumes represented by the chart are the responsibility of each companys measurement or chart department. Almmt every phnne nf pnmp.inv bin ITIUI-IK In liaJ en the output of this department - the gas volume. Therefore, it is imperative in this era of dwindling gas supply that the process for recording and computing this output be efficient and accurate. Even though the final chart calculation is the product of the measurement department, its beginning does nut oiigiaate here. Other departments within the company are responsible lor the initiation of agreements and for getting the information about such agreements to the measurement department for setting up its procedures. Without contract and field information, the chart is almost meaningless. Informative and accurate contracts, gas control letters, and field paper work are a must for measurement.

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