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Title: Combination Of Venturi And Multi Energy Gamma Ray Breaks The Extra Heavy Oil Paradigm Beyond 20 Pa.s At Line Conditions
Author: Ana Marin, Onerazan Bornia And Bruno Pinguet
Source: 2009 South East Asia Flow Measurement Conference
Year Published: 2009
Abstract: The objective is to present accurately the performance of the combination of a Venturi and multi energy gamma ray in a case study in Venezuela. The focus is on practical information, knowledge sharing to overcome all classical problems due to fluid behaviour met by multiphase metering device in extra heavy oil including classical separator. Heavy and Extra-Heavy Oil represent more than 50% of the total oil in place in the world, and large efforts is spent to overcome difficulties related to this kind of oil production. Venezuela has pone of the largest reserve with more than currently 3.2 trillion of oil in place. Different set of technologies and methodologies have been used to overcome the technical production and monitoring challenges in these lifted or pumped wells. Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) at the opposite of Canadian companies is currently using cold production techniques due to historical reasons. Recently, Orocual field in Monagas Northern (Venezuela) put in production a cluster with Extra Heavy Oil reaching gravity from 8.6 to 11 API and with a viscosity range from 6,000 cP to more than 20,000 cP at line conditions. As per fact, this new production cluster did not have any accurate production data, and PDVSA could only use conventional storage tanks to estimate the liquid flow rate and the gas was vented and not measured. In these production conditions, no separator was able to work. However, it was essential to PDVSA in this early phase of the development to review the field performance and get access to the oil, water, and gas flow rates. In these challenging conditions, and after trying other multiphase manufacturers claiming to work in Extra Heavy Oil, PDVSA found that the only solution was the combination of a Venturi and multi energy gamma ray. The Vx technology dedicated to Heavy Oil and Extra Heavy Oil broke the extra heavy oil paradigm related to multiphase technology to measure flow rates accurately and a comparative test demonstrates when it was possible f that the overall uncertainty of the entire system (Venturi-Tank) was better than 2-4%. This extended the new multiphase technology operating envelope for PDVSA from Gas to Extra Heavy Oil and provided a unique solution and the capability to monitor and optimize in real-time the field production.

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