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Title: Problems In Wet Gas Measurement
Author: Robert E. Vickrey
Source: 1970 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: Problems in wet gas measurement have been discussed several times in this Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course, and no doubt they will be discussed in future Short Courses because as long as we have to measure wet gas, there will be problems. In some cases a gas is considered to be wet if it contains three (3) gallons or more of Pentanes + per MCF however, for our discussion a wet gas will be one that under operating conditions, the temperature and pressure reaches a point where free liquids or hydrates begin to appear. With this definition one can see that a particular gas can be dry under some conditions and wet under others. Frequently a gas is considered to be wet if it has not been processed for the removal of water and heavy hydrocarbons

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