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Title: Grs Internal Inspection System For Gas Distribution Mains
Author: Michael Wilkey, Richard Wiesman, Glyn Hazelden
Source: American Gas Association 1991
Year Published: 1991
Abstract: The Gas Research Institute (GRI) is currently funding the development of an internal inspection system for use in 4 to 6 diameter gas mains. This effort began in 1986 with an exploratory research effort to determine the feasibility of a pipe crawler capable of operating within these pipe diameters in a live gas main. Foster Miller, Inc. (FMI) is currently under contract to develop the MOUSE. GRI has just recently let several contracts for the develop of an array of sensors capable of detecting defects in the pipe while being pulled by the vehicle. FMI has developed a modular concept for the vehicle which will allow the reconfiguration of an inspection MOUSE to meet the requirements of a particular user and a particular application. The modular MOUSE will be a system of cars or modules which can be coupled to accommodate a wide range of inspection distances and requirements. These modules will include tractor or locomotive cars, battery cars, umbilical and electronics cars and optional testing or inspection cars that could be added to perform particular testing procedures as desired by the gas utility.

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